Life throws many obstacles your way, but the most important thing to keep in mind is what the correct path you should go down. Being young it's always the roughest part, experiencing new things, opening new doors to your future, and figuring out who you truly are. But being my age, i can personally say that now, more than ever I am putting all my focus on myself. Girls will look to guys for comfort and love, but one thing that will take girls the longest time to figure out, is all guys are the same. And in some cases guys, it can be the other way around as well. But to tell you the truth, you won't truly like someone until you get married. Everyone else is just another opportunity for you to realize more about yourself. The number one important key in life is to put all your focus and trust in God, and keep doing what your doing to keep your life at a positive level. Don't look for trouble and don't let trouble find you, trust your instinct. If you know somethings wrong, don't do it. It doesn't matter what kind of pressure is put on you, or who told you to do what. You do what YOU know is right. The more we follow others the more we lose sight of truly finding ourselves.
Throughout my whole little journey the past couple months, i came to the realization that what ever you go through, your never alone. And the one thing that will always be there for you no matter what, is your family. Without a strong relationship within your family, your weak. Your family is your stronghold, and you should be thankful for them each and every day.
- One thing i would specifically like to touch on is girls individually. Being young i know there are many more trials that i will go through in life but i believe it's important to share what you know, you never know who you can help along the way. Many of us go through the same situations on a day to day bases, so why not prevent a problem for someone else using your own basic knowledge on what you learned :)
Girls: It's important for you to know is that you are B E A U T I F U L inside and out, no matter what anyone says... I couldn't stress it enough. It doesn't matter what anyone tells you, no matter the shape or size. What really matters is your heart. Make sure your heart is guarded at all times, but always know that not everyone is out to get you. Things will happen in life that will drag you down for a bit, but being able to keep your head held high from it is whats important. If we went through life dwelling on every little thing that happened, we would be stuck in our past, not being able to move forward. Always remember, your not alone in anything you go through. Gods got your back, and there will always be someone there to talk to you through your troubles. We focus on the things that are least important and thats what gets us introuble. If we really took a step back and looked at life from a smarter, more mature point of view, us girls would come to realize that life isn't as bad as it seems :)
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and do not lean on your own understanding. In all things acknowledge him, and he shall direct your path" - Proverbs 3:5,6
a little pick me up :)